Resource Description

Thank you for being a Physical Literacy Leader in your school community! We are so happy to support you in getting students ACTIVE with DANCE!

Details about "The Vault":
The price for access to "The Vault" - Dance Database is $99CAD/year, which gives you 12-month access to 100 of our most popular DANCEPL3Y dances, Choreography Notes and Professional Learning Videos.

The database is divided into each DANCEPL3Y song type, and, when applicable, identifies the specific Fundamental Movement Skills that are being developed in the DANCEPL3Y song.

Please review the details below to understand exactly what you are eligible to offer to your school with this resource.

With this access, you are authorized to teach DANCEPL3Y songs through your active and current employment as a school teacher, and only in your school, to students.


  • You are not authorized at any time to charge your school, students or parents/PAC for the delivery of DANCEPL3Y classes or songs.
  • The number of students per class should not exceed 30 students.
  • You ARE allowed to use and lead up to 3 DANCEPL3Y songs as part of a whole-school assembly or event, as long as you capture images of the group and tweet it, tagging @dancepl3y.
  • You are not allowed to say that you are delivering the DANCEPL3Y School Program (DP-ED), which is our curriculum-based dance workshops and residencies, delivered only by Certified DP-ED Instructors.
  • You are not allowed to present DANCEPL3Y at ProD days or conferences (only Master Trainers are allowed to do so)


Melanie Levenberg

Melanie Levenberg, M.Ed, Kids Fitness Expert, International Speaker, Author, TEDx Presenter, PRO Trainer and canfitpro’s 2022 Fitness Professional of the Year. As the Founder of PL3Y International, her programs have gained global accolades for boosting mental health and getting over 3.5 million students active through dance, yoga and play. She coaches fitness professionals how to build their business getting kids active in schools and recreation centres.